Sloppy Dogs!

Yesterday was a whirlwind. I don't know where the time went. Work was crazy. Home was crazy. Before I knew it I was zonked out and didn't even get the time or energy for a quick blog post. Today wasn't much better but at least I wasn't having to make 3 trips out to the... Continue Reading →

Get In!!!!!

Oh yes! 3lb! And Hubby? Well he smashed it at 4.5lb!!! First time he's had a bigger loss than me. He's not even being smug or anything (awesome bloke) It has been a difficult week - in terms of stress and physical work - but we have both stuck to our WW Plan and it... Continue Reading →

He made them!

I honestly thought Hubby was going to skip these. And I haven't dared to step foot in the kitchen to witness the aftermath (I'll reserve that particular joy for the morning...) but here they are! Banana Batter Pancakes a la Weight Watchers! Hubby even went to town to buy the Agar syrup and blueberries to... Continue Reading →

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